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Asking and Giving Opinion


Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, manusia tidak akan pernah lepas dari yang namanya bertanya dan memberi pendapat (asking and giving an opinion) dari suatu topik/tema yang muncul di tengah masyarakat.

Tema/topik biasanya muncul dan menjadi pembicaraan hangat ditengah masyarakat apabila tema/topik tersebut mengundang kontroversi/perdebatan antara satu orang dengan orang lain. Ketika tema/topik tersebut telah menjadi kontroversi dalam masyarakat pasti anda pernah menanyakan pendapat orang lain mengenai topik tersebut.

Tema/topik atau kadang juga disebut mosi (motion) yang mengandung kontroversi/perdebatan ditengah masyarakat biasanya berhubungan dengan kesenjangan sosial, ketidak adilan, keputusan pemerintah, kenaikan tarif dasar listrik, kenaikan Bahan Bakar Minyak (The raise of fuel), status sosial (marital status), gaya hidup (life style), dan lain-lain.

Tetapi yang harus sama-sama kita ingat adalah asking and giving an opinion bukan hanya sekedar muncul dari sesuatu yang menjadi pertentangan saja. Dalam percakapan sehari-hari, anda juga pasti pernah memberi atau meminta saran dari orang lain. Misalnya, ketika anda sedang bingung memilih warna baju, model tas, pilihan tempat liburan, film favorite, atau bahkan makanan dan minuman favorit. Dalam hal ini, anda tentu akan menanyakan opini teman  anda, atau bahkan teman anda duluan yang memberi saran kepada anda.

Memberi dan meminta saran bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan ide, argumen, atau pendapat terhadap sesuatu.

B. Expression uses in Asking and Giving Opinion

1. Expressions for asking opinion

1. What is your opinion about the nowadays issue?
2. Do you have any idea the problem?
3. Have you got any thoughts on this events?
4. How do you feel about that tragedy?
5. What is your point of view about his habits?
6. I would really appreciate your view of this complicated problem?
7. Have you got any thoughts on this annual meeting?
8. Do you have any views on this anniversary?
9. Does anyone have any other comments?
10.What do you think about…?
11.What do you suggest…?
12.Can you give me the way of this complicated life?
13.Would you please give solutions?
14.Would you like to share your life experience?
15.Would you mind giving me win win solution?
16.What is your reaction toward economics crisis?
17.Have you got any comments on that issue appears?
18.Do you think it’s going well?
19.What do you think of playing games together?
20.How do you think about our friends solution?

2. Expressions for giving opinions

1. In my mind, the best solution for this problem is communication.
2. I believe that the tragedy will be end soon.
3. From my point of view, it’ s better late than never.
4. From my angle, that’s wrong way.
5. I am not sure, but I try my best.
6. I could be wrong, but…
7. I am no expert, but…
8. I tend to think that…
9. I feel that…
10.I suppose…
11.I would like to point out that…
12.In my opinion…
13.I honestly think that…
14.I think…
15.The way I see it is that…
16.I strongly believe that…
17.I believe…
18.I’m convinced that…
19.I’m sure that…
20.There’s no doubt in my mind that…

3. Expressions for responding opinions

1. It can be understood.
2. I know what you mean
3. It’s gonna be alright.
4. That’s the point
5. I see what you mean.
6. You’ve got a point there.
7. That’s a very good point.
8. That’s a great suggestion.
9. That’s one way of looking at it.
10.Of course.
11.This is absolutely right.
12.I agree with this opinion.
13.I couldn't agree more.
14.I agree with what you are saying.
15.I agree, I never thought of that.
16.Neither do I.
17.I couldn't agree more.
18.I agree with what you are saying.
19.I agree, I never thought of that.
20.I think so too.

4. Disagreeing with an opinion

1. I disagree with you.
2. I think you are wrong.
3. That's not the same thing at all.
4. It is not justified to say so.
5. I am not convinced that.....
6. I can't say I agree with this, and here's why...
7. I am sorry, I don't agree with you.
8. I am not sure I agree with you.
9. I don't agree with you.
10.I am afraid I have to disagree with you.
11.I do not believe that.
12.My impression is that…
13.I am not sure but I am leaning towards…
14.I tend to think…
15.I totally disagree.

C. Bentuk dan cara menyampaikan opini

Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman maka giving an opinion bukan hanya sekedar bertanya dan menjawab antara satu orang dengan orang lain dalam bentuk percakapan biasa. Asking and giving an opinion juga dikemas dalam acara-acara resmi sebagai berikut:

1. Interactive Dialogue
2. Panel Discussion
3. Talk Show
4. Variatey Show
5. Seminar Presentation
6. Meeting Presentation
7. Focus Group Discussion
8. Campaign Session
9. Speech Session
10.Debate Session

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