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Contoh Dialog tentang Asking and Giving Opinion


 Conversation 1

Doni  : Hi John, where have you been? I didn’t see you for a week.
John  : Yeah, I enjoyed my long holiday.
Doni  : Wow, cool. Where did you go?
John  : I went to Amed beach in Karang Asem. Have you ever visited that place?
Doni  : Hmmm… Never, but I ever saw it from TV. Is it a good Beach?  What do you think about Amed Beach?
John  : In my opinion, it is an awesome beach. It has many good diving spots. Besides, you can also see a beautiful sunrise in the morning.
Doni  : What a good place to spend a holiday!
John  : Yeah, of course. If you have a long holiday, I think you should go to Amed. Karang Asem has many beautiful beaches.
Doni  : Yes, I will. I agree with you. Last year I went to Virgin Beach in Karang Asem. It is not too far from Denpasar. Have you ever gone there?
John  : Not yet, I just know it from my friends who have already gone there. They said that the beach has a beautiful white sand. How’s your opinion?
Doni  : Personally, I think Virgin beach is a beautiful beach and a good place to spend your weekend. Your friends are right. It has a gorgeous white sand.
John  : Cool, please take me there sometimes.
Doni  : Sure. There are a lot of places that we can explore in Karang Asem.  Have you ever visited Tenganan Village?
John  : No, I have not. I only ever heard that village from my grandfather. As far as I know, Tenganan is one of famous Bali traditional villages. Balinese called it “Desa Bali Aga”. The house styles and ornaments are very traditional. They also have a unique tradition called “Perang Pandan”.
Doni  : Yes, I ever heard about it. Some people say that “Perang Pandan” is an offering ceremony to honor God Indra
John  : What a unique tradition it is. We should go and watch it once.
Doni  : Alright, let’s arrange a trip to Karang Asem next June. What do you think?
John  : I’d say that is a brilliant idea. Can’t wait for that month.
Doni  : Yeah, me too. I’ll contact you later. See you John.
John  : Alright, see you Doni.

Conversation 2

Marina : “Hi  Gustina, what are you doing?”
Gustina: “Hi Marina, I’m writing a poetry”
Marina : “Poetry? for the special one?”
Gustina: “Absolutely, tomorrow is mothers’ day so I would like to give this poetry for my mommy”
Marina : “Mothers’ day? Oh my god! I forget about it”
Gustina: “Calm down Erika, why don’t you write a poetry too?”
Marina : “No, I cant write a poetry “
Gustina: “Do you know what is the thing that your mommy likes?”
Marina : “She likes flowers”
Gustina: “How about buying a flower vase, I think your mommy likes it.”
Marina : “That sounds good idea, but Clara would you mind to accompany me to find it out after class end?” Clara: “With my pleasure”
Gustina: “Oh thank you so much  Marina”
Marina : “Don’t mention it Gustina”

Conversation 3

Billy : Hey, Tom! Have you watched the Game of Thrones series? (Hei, Bagas! Sudahkah kamu nonton serial Game of Thrones?)
Tom   : Of course I have! (Tentu saja sudah!)
Billy : What is your point of view, then? (Kalau begitu, apa pendapatmu tentang itu?)
Tom   : I honestly think that the actors have unbelievable acting skills. (Sejujurnya aku berpikir bahwa pemerannya memiliki kemampuan berakting yang sangat keren.)
Billy : Good point. And what is your opinion about the plot? (Benar juga. Lalu apa pendapatmu soal jalan ceritanya?)
Tom   : There is no doubt in mind that the plot is mind-blowing! By the way, how about we watch another Netflix series together? (Sudah jelas bahwa jalan ceritanya menakjubkan! Omong-omong, bagaimana kalau kita nonton serial Netflix lainnya?)
Billy : I strongly believe that is a great idea. We can watch Stranger Things, perhaps? (Aku sungguh yakin itu ide yang bagus. Mungkin kita bisa nonton Stranger Things?)
Tom   : That is great. Let’s go! (Bagus. ayo!)

Conversation 4

Bryan: “Hi Carol”
Carol: “Hi Bryan, what are you doing here?”
Bryan: “I want to buy manusia setengah salmon book”
Carol: “Whose the writer? “
Bryan: “His name’s Radityadika
Carol: “Oh I see, Actually I’ve read his another book the title is kambing jantan
Bryan: “ (Agreement) and Radityadika is my favorite writer, I have all of his books by the way what are you looking for here? ”
Carol: “I’m looking for negri lima menara novel, I’m pretty sure that you know that novel “
Bryan: “ Of course i know it, good choice Maya, and you should have it because (giving opinion) and very recommended for the student like us
Carol: “Yea my sisters says so, I cant wait to read that novel. By the way I have to take the novel now because I wont get home late, it’s nice to talk with you Kevin “
Bryan: “ Oh OK, it's nice to talk with you too”
Carol : “ See you later”
Bryan: “ See you”

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